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ITQB Account

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In your personal account you have 5GB disk space quota for storing email and your personal web page, that limit can be used up tp 6Gb with a 30 days grace period, after that you must free some space before you can add a new files or receive new mail.

If you are new to the Institute, you must ask your Group Leader or a collegue delegated by you Group Leader to request an account through our helpdesk system


Change Password


 You can change your personal account password here (use your username and current password).

  • Your new password must have:
    • More than 14 character
    • A mix of  digits, lower-case letters, upper-case letters, and other characters
    • The larger the password the lest complex it has to be, "A-long personal sentence, is a good-password." (better with other characters then only letters)
      • A 14 character password must be complex, like "#Er2e3=>3%6$5."

Account termination

When your afiliation with ITQB ends, your account will be:

  • Removed from ITQB's mailing lists.
  • You will receive mail for the next 3 months.
  • After 3 months you can request a email forward to another email for 5 years.
  • Every year you will receive an email confirming that you still use the forward.



 You can use the Intranet  to book rooms, equipment, services, to consult documents and to make purchase orders.


Personal Webpage

 Visit the Webpages page.




